Grackles can be a nuisance for backyard bird enthusiasts, often scaring away smaller birds and consuming large amounts of bird seed. If you're looking to keep these pesky birds away from your feeders, there are several effective strategies you can implement.
1. Use Safflower Seed and Grey Sunflower Seeds
Grackles have a strong preference for black sunflower seeds, so switching to safflower seed can help deter them. Many other bird species enjoy safflower seed, so you won't be sacrificing variety in your backyard visitors. Grackles struggle to open grey sunflower seeds. That is another strategy to mitigate grackle activity.
2. Install a Squirrel-Proof Feeder
Grackles are opportunistic feeders and will take advantage of easy access to bird feeders. By installing a squirrel-proof feeder, you can make it more difficult for grackles to access the seed, while still allowing smaller birds to feed.
3. Use a Baffle
Placing a baffle above or below your bird feeder can help deter grackles. These devices make it challenging for larger birds like grackles to land on the feeder, while still allowing smaller birds to access the seed.
4. Limit Feeding Time
Grackles are known to feed in large groups, so limiting the time you put out bird seed can help reduce their presence. Consider only putting out seed during times when grackles are less active, such as early in the morning or late in the evening.
5. Provide Alternative Food Sources
Grackles are attracted to bird feeders because of the easy access to food. By providing alternative food sources such as suet or mealworms in a separate feeder, you can help distract grackles from your main bird feeder.
By implementing these strategies, you can create a more welcoming environment for a variety of bird species in your backyard while keeping grackles at bay. Remember, consistency is key when it comes to deterring these persistent birds.